In August, members of the Retreat Youth Club became Climate Change Agents. They spent a seven days being trained in climate change issues and how to become advocates for climate change awareness. They were trained by facilitators Tedroy Gordon (St. Ann 4-H Parish Development Officer) and Sarah Marshall (Peace Corps Volunteer with
ACDI/VOCA), assisted by Elizabeth Riley (Peace Corps Volunteer with St. Ann 4-H). Youth Club members planned a group project addressing solid waste management in the community.
Big thanks to Retreat Early Childhood Education Centre for hosting us! |
Sarah works with groups to create a team name. |
Participants working together in groups to come up with climate change mitigation strategies. |
Participants presenting objectives of proposed projects. |
Work hard, play hard. Participants even found a little time for some fun team building activities. |
Facilitators and group favorites Mr. Gordon and Sarah performing a role play activity to demonstrate community action.
At the end of the training, participants reported an increased knowledge of the effects of climate change, several adaptation and mitigation strategies, how to mobilize for community action, and now have the framework to apply for funding and carry out a climate change project in the community of Retreat. Thanks to ACDI/VOCA for the funding and facilitation of this training!